Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lose weight quick without much exercise

Are you really concerned with your excess weight?
Obesity is a serious issue nowadays. More than 30% of American people are considered to be obese. Obesity
leads to diabetes, cancer, depression, heart disease and shorter lifespan. But even if you are not obese, many
people think themselves to be overweight and they want to get rid of those unwanted pounds because it is not

How many ways have you tried to lose weight? Let’s say you lost about 3 pounds, did you keep the weight off?

There are many weight loss videos, books, audio programs, plans, and even TV shows created to teach you, lead
you, keep you motivated, and guide you into weight loss process. And it seems like a new program, an amazing
new twist no one ever knew before... hits the market every month.

Do you want to know the true secret of weight loss to keep it off?
If you starve yourself, do your physical workouts every day, consume only protein and fiber, attend a weight clinic,
gulp weight supplement, undergo surgery, go through liposuction, but there is only one effective secret, it is long
lasting weight loss. Without this secret, all your efforts will be in vain.

All successful weight loss starts and ends in your mind. You should take a lifestyle decision. It is not even
willpower; willpower will suddenly fail you. You should alter your principles values and beliefs; you should
persuade your subconscious mind that you will be happier, more attractive and satisfied if you become shaped
and lose weight.
It is easier to follow a weight loss diet after you have started to lose weight. The most difficult thing is to start.

It is not an accident. The most difficult thing of weight loss is beginning. But once you managed survive the first
couple of days, you see noticeable results, it is not bad. Until you reach your plateau; where you go on dieting, but
you do not lose a pound for a week or even worse, you put on pound or two. This is the next challenging thing of
the weight loss process, and here most people fail. It happens because your conscious mind regards weight loss
as a goal. You have not persuaded your subconscious mind that you have started a new lifestyle.

So, how are you going to alter your subconscious mind so weight loss is easy and enjoyable process for you?

There are many ways. One way is to make a new habit. Every morning when you wake up and every night before
you go to bed tell yourself, that you are changing your eating habits and you like the new way, it is more suitable
for you. It is suggested to do this for 21 days, and you will have made a new habit which sets in your
subconscious mind.

Though, the quickest, easiest way to replace your subconscious beliefs is through hypnosis which is a way to
communicate directly with your subconscious mind without your logical conscious mind.

But maybe you are one of those people who is impossible to be hypnotized. You don't want to invest money and
time on a hypnotist or even on self hypnosis videos until you know it will work for you. Of course, you could write
and make your own self hypnosis script for free, but make sure you follow the rules of the subconscious mind, or it
will not work in a proper way.
You can always address old fashioned will power to lose weight and attempt to logically persuade yourself that
you take care of your health, healthy food tastes better, you feel better, and so on, but in the end the only lasting
heal is to use hypnosis to modify your basic values and beliefs.

If you came to the point when weight loss has become an important issue - then you need to know how to lose
weight fast.

For the useful tips about "lose weight fast" industry visit this web site.

You can also find this article published on The True Secret To Lose Weight And Make It Last, and on the tag
pages lose weight fast, weight loss.

Losing Weight....the HEALTHY Way

Many people desire to lose weight for a variety of different reasons. Drastic weight changes are not sustainable in most cases,
but moderate reductions in weight can be attained by simple lifestyle modifications. Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Start by evaluating your motives.

If your goal is health improvement, keep in mind
that most diets will make things worse, not better.
Rapid weight loss and weight cycling are very harmful
to the body. Choosing a healthy lifestyle, regardless
of your weight changes, will help you accomplish your
goal of health improvement.

If you want to lose weight to “look better,” be
aware that intentional weight loss programs & dieting
INCREASE, not decrease, the likelihood of weight
gain long term. Diets slow your metabolism and result
in food cravings. The research is clear: 95-99% of
dieters will rebound to a higher weight after initially
losing weight.

2. Never starve yourself. Ever.

Some say losing weight is simple: eat less energy
than you expend. However, when working with the
human body, there are many factors that complicate
the situation. Crash diets can send the body into
“starvation mode” and making it more difficult to burn
energy and lose weight. This damage can be difficult
or impossible to reverse—the more starvation cycles the
body experiences, the worse the effect will be. Bottom
line: starvation leads to long-term weight gain, even if
you lose weight at first.

Instead, fuel your body with moderately sized meals
and snacks to keep your metabolism and body
functioning at its optimum potential.

Research shows that eating breakfast daily, getting
consistent and adequate sleep, and maintaining
adequate hydration are all essential to health and
weight loss.

3. Don’t forget common sense.

Beware of any diet that cuts out entire food groups.
The body needs food from every food group to be
healthy. Grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and other
protein sources all provide important nutrients that the
body needs everyday. The key concepts of balance,
variety, and moderation should represent the core of
any healthy eating program.

4. If it sounds too good to be true… IT IS.

The diet industry will promise you anything, especially
if it will make them money. The diet industry exists to
post profits, not make people skinny and/or happy
about themselves.

If even 1 diet delivered what it promised, the entire
industry would collapse due to the creation of a
monopoly. Remember, diets boast a 95-99% FAILURE
rate. If weight loss is in your body’s best interest,
expect that the changes will be slow as you work to
improve your eating and exercise habits.

5. Find enjoyment in moving your body.

The data is clear: staying active throughout the life
span is essential to health and weight loss. People
who maintain active lifestyles for their whole lives
find ways to move their bodies that are respectful and
enjoyable. On the contrary, people who exercise as
a form of self-punishment never experience the joy of
movement and rarely reap the full benefits of an active